Our Story

A stronger foundation
for youth

Established over two decades ago, KORI has been a guiding force, helping young people transcend negative stereotypes and actively contributing to the development of thousands of young individuals. For over 21 years, KORI has been a steadfast presence, influencing crucial junctures in the lives of young individuals.

Following the creation of the successful black artists’ development programme for UK schools and prisons, Evwreni Productions, Odiri Ighamre and Paul Aiken founded KORI in 2002.

In our early days, we were busy responding to the urgent needs of young African and Caribbean people in the London borough of Haringey. It was felt that they lacked a sense of ‘being held’ by their community. The context then was one of high exclusions from schools, increasing youth violence and high pregnancy rates. Many of these  young people had a very narrow field of life experience. Our response was the creation of a range of long-term projects with youth work practice and creativity at the core. From these, we developed the programmes we offer today.

As intentional shapeshifters, over the years we have adapted to meet the unique needs of our young, often  marginalised and vulnerable participants. Our mission extends beyond the confines of the classroom, focusing on  constructing alternatives to it and recognising the significance of restoring trust and belief in young minds. At  KORI, we have guided young people through the challenges of growing up in society, and with every year that  passes we continue to build a stronger foundation for youth.